Sunday, January 28, 2018


According to The American Psychological Association, "Food ads on television make up 50 percent of all the ad time on children’s shows. These ads are almost completely dominated by unhealthy food products (34 percent for candy and snacks, 28 percent for cereal, 10 percent for fast food, 4 percent for dairy products, 1 percent for fruit juices, and 0 percent for fruits or vegetables). Children are rarely exposed to public service announcements or advertising for healthier foods." 

Additionally, "Children have a remarkable ability to recall content from the ads to which they have been exposed. Product preference has been shown to occur with as little as a single commercial exposure and to strengthen with repeated exposures. Product preferences affect children's product purchase requests and these requests influence parents' purchasing decisions." and because "Children spend a considerable amount of their time in school settings, where compulsory attendance makes it difficult to avoid exposure to commercial content. Commercial content delivered in schools may be assumed to have the tacit endorsement of respected teachers and school officials, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the advertising." we have a responsibility to make sure the messages we deliver encourage habits that promote health.

There is no question that regularly incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into our meals improves dietary quality, supports healthy child development, and reduces chronic disease. Let's use our power to make produce popular!

“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied." 

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