Thursday, January 18, 2018



The following are just a few of the quotes from school staff members and parents who were asked if MISSION NUTRITION was making a difference in what they saw students eating for lunch: 

“It's making a difference with my daughter, Aynsley. She always wants fruit in her lunch!
- 4th grade teacher and mother of a 2nd grader 

“Yes, it is making a difference. The kids are now asking, “Is this nutritious?” 
- 4th grade teacher and mother of a 3rd grader 

“I know it has made a difference in my own child! Her daddy packs her lunch, and she asks him to put things in that are healthy!” 
- Technology teacher and mother of a Kindergardner 

“Well, for me personally...Colton says that he HAS to have 100% juice because it is better for you...and because Mrs. Lubecki said!!!” 
- 1st grade teacher and mother of a 2nd grader 

“My kids LOVE it!” 
- 2nd grade teacher.

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